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Guardians against Genocide

I used to joke that the Bible was “his-story” because women of power don’t need to write down “hers-story.”

My eldest son’s sixth-grade teacher was a member of the Sisterhood. One of the controversies of her curriculum was reading of “Anne Frank’s Diary” and a long segment on the Holocaust. We had a conference mid-year in which it was clear that she had strong antibodies to powerful men.

Shortly afterwards, she sent me a dream. I was a young girl disembarking from a railcar, wondering why it was snowing, and then looking up to see the ash clouds descending from the incinerators. The dream sequence was complex, but at the conclusion I was sitting up in bed, the globe hovering before me. I reached out with my left hand to touch Europe in three places. As I pulled the fingers away, the souls of all those – whether Jew or Gentile – who surrendered without hatred followed to encircle the globe. I requested that they stand as guardians against a repetition.

Contemporaneously, I was attending Sabbath Torah study at the local Reform congregation. Arriving that morning before class, I was met by one of the elders. When I tried to describe the dream, he interrupted me, “Brian, there may just be parts of you that other people don’t have.”

Since 10/7, I have been waking up most mornings to dreams that litigate my anti-Semitism. I have been trying to be patient. But let me offer the witness of the guardians: they are hovering over Gaza.

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